@AllPowerTrainBot - дневник тренировок в телеграме.
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Fistican Oleg
Fistican Oleg
date of birth
-- 1973
Fistican Oleg
date of birth
-- 1973
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2021 GSPU World Championship – GSPU World Championship
2021 GSPU World Championship – GSPU World Championship
2021 GSPU World Championship – GSPU World Championship
2021 European Championships – European Championships
2021 European Championships – European Championships
2021 European Championships – European Championships
2021 European Championships – European Championships
2019 20th international cup of Dnestr – 20th international cup of Dnestr
2019 World Cup – World Cup
2019 independence cup 2019 – independence cup 2019
2019 independence cup 2019 – independence cup 2019
2019 Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC – Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC
2019 Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC – Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2017 vladimir-kravtsovs-european-deadlift-championship – vladimir-kravtsovs-european-deadlift-championship
2017 vladimir-kravtsovs-european-bench-press-championship – vladimir-kravtsovs-european-bench-press-championship
2017 19th Dnister Cup – 19th Dnister Cup
2017 Independence Cup – Independence Cup
2017 Independence Cup – Independence Cup
2017 European Championships – European Championships
2017 Championship of Moldova GPA – Championship of Moldova GPA
2017 WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships – WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships
2016 18th Dnister Cup – 18th Dnister Cup
2016 18th Dnister Cup – 18th Dnister Cup
2016 Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup – Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup
2016 Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup – Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup
2016 7 World WPA cup – 7 World WPA cup
2016 Trinistria and Moldova Championships – Trinistria and Moldova Championships
2016 Trinistria and Moldova Championships – Trinistria and Moldova Championships
2015 17th Open Dniester Cup – 17th Open Dniester Cup
2015 Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup – Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup
2015 Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup – Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup
2015 Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup – Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup
2015 Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup – Trinistria BP and DL Independence Cup
2015 Moldova Chavpionship GPA – Moldova Chavpionship GPA
2015 25th World Bench Press & Deadlift Championship – 25th World Bench Press & Deadlift Championship
2015 25th World Powerlifting Championship – 25th World Powerlifting Championship
2015 2nd Moldova and Trinistria Powerlifting Championships – 2nd Moldova and Trinistria Powerlifting Championships
2015 2nd Moldova and Trinistria Powerlifting Championships – 2nd Moldova and Trinistria Powerlifting Championships
2015 2nd Moldova and Trinistria Powerlifting Championships – 2nd Moldova and Trinistria Powerlifting Championships
2014 16th Open Dniester Cup – 16th Open Dniester Cup
2014 2nd WPA Moldova Championship – 2nd WPA Moldova Championship
2013 15th Dniester Cup (PL) – 15th Dniester Cup (PL)
B1 55.0
B2 -60.0
B3 60.0
B 60.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 -215.0
D 210.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 -215.0
D 210.0
B1 50.0
B2 55.0
B3 59.0
B 59.0
B1 50.0
B2 55.0
B3 59.0
B 59.0
D1 205.0
D2 212.5
D3 212.5
D 212.5
D1 205.0
D2 212.5
D3 212.5
D 212.5
D1 205.0
D2 215.0
D3 -220.0
D 215.0
D1 210.0
D2 -220.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
D1 210.0
D2 -215.0
D3 -215.0
D 210.0
D1 210.0
D2 -215.0
D3 -215.0
D 210.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 215.0
D 215.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 215.0
D 215.0
D1 205.0
D2 215.0
D3 -217.5
D 215.0
D1 205.0
D2 215.0
D3 -217.5
D 215.0
D1 210.0
D2 -220.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
D1 210.0
D2 -220.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
D1 210.0
D2 225.0
D3 -227.5
D 225.0
B1 85.0
B2 95.0
B3 105.0
B 105.0
S1 175.0
S2 -200.0
S3 -200.0
S 175.0
B1 110.0
B2 -115.0
B 110.0
D1 205.0
D2 215.0
D3 -220.0
D 215.0
Total 500.0
D1 210.0
D2 -220.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
D1 210.0
D2 -220.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
D1 210.0
D2 225.0
D3 -227.5
D 225.0
S1 170.0
S2 -180.0
S3 -180.0
S 170.0
B1 105.0
B2 -112.5
B3 -112.5
B 105.0
D1 170.0
D2 190.0
D3 205.0
D 205.0
Total 480.0
S1 170.0
S2 180.0
S3 190.0
S 190.0
B1 110.0
B2 -117.5
B3 -117.5
B 110.0
D1 210.0
D2 217.5
D3 220.0
D 220.0
Total 520.0
S1 160.0
S2 -175.0
S3 -180.0
S 160.0
B1 110.0
B2 -120.0
B3 -120.0
B 110.0
D1 210.0
D2 -215.0
D 210.0
Total 480.0
S1 160.0
S2 -175.0
S3 -180.0
S 160.0
B1 110.0
B2 -120.0
B3 -120.0
B 110.0
D1 210.0
D2 -215.0
D 210.0
Total 480.0
D1 210.0
D2 220.0
D3 -225.0
D 220.0
D1 210.0
D2 220.0
D3 -225.0
D 220.0
S1 160.0
S2 -180.0
S3 180.0
S 180.0
B1 110.0
B2 120.0
B3 -127.5
B 120.0
D1 210.0
D2 220.0
D3 -225.0
D 220.0
Total 520.0
S1 150.0
S2 160.0
S3 165.0
S 165.0
B1 -110.0
B2 110.0
B3 115.0
B 115.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
Total 490.0
S1 150.0
S2 160.0
S3 165.0
S 165.0
B1 -110.0
B2 110.0
B3 115.0
B 115.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
Total 490.0
S1 160.0
S2 -165.0
S3 165.0
S 165.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 117.5
B 117.5
D1 210.0
D2 -220.0
D 210.0
Total 492.5
D1 210.0
D2 222.5
D3 -225.0
D 222.5
B1 110.0
B2 117.5
B3 -122.5
B 117.5
B1 110.0
B2 117.5
B3 -122.5
B 117.5
D1 210.0
D2 222.5
D3 -225.0
D 222.5
S1 170.0
S2 -180.0
S3 -180.0
S 170.0
B1 110.0
B2 117.5
B3 -120.0
B 117.5
D1 210.0
D2 220.0
D3 -225.0
D 220.0
Total 507.5
D1 200.0
D2 215.0
D3 220.0
D 220.0
S1 160.0
S2 170.0
S3 180.0
S 180.0
B1 110.0
B2 -117.5
B3 117.5
B 117.5
D1 200.0
D2 215.0
D3 220.0
D 220.0
Total 517.5
D1 215.0
D 215.0
S1 -160.0
S2 160.0
S3 -167.5
S 160.0
B1 110.0
B2 -117.5
B3 -120.0
B 110.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 215.0
D 215.0
Total 485.0
S1 -160.0
S2 160.0
S3 -167.5
S 160.0
B1 110.0
B2 -117.5
B3 -120.0
B 110.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 215.0
D 215.0
Total 485.0
S1 150.0
S2 -160.0
S3 165.0
S 165.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 -120.0
B 115.0
D1 190.0
D2 205.0
D3 215.0
D 215.0
Total 495.0
S1 140.0
S2 160.0
S3 -180.0
S 160.0
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B3 -120.0
B 110.0
D1 150.0
D2 170.0
D3 200.0
D 200.0
Total 470.0
S 170.0
B 115.0
D 195.0
Total 480.0
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