Federation Meet Location Year Date Members Media Added by
UPF Ukrainian Powerlifting Cup Kolomyia 2014 26 - 30 nov 76 2 / 1 9638
21 dec 2014
UPF Championship Ukraine in Powerlifting among Sub-Junior and Junior (Pupils CYSS) Kolomyia 2014 23 - 26 nov 172 6 / 0 9638
21 dec 2014
ROP Open Championship of the Nizhny Novgorod region GPA/IPO Bench Press and Deadlift Bogorodsk 2014 13 dec 31 1 / 0 Powerlifter
17 dec 2014
ROP Open Championship of the Nizhny Novgorod region GPA/IPO Powerlifting Bogorodsk 2014 13 dec 6 2 / 0 Powerlifter
17 dec 2014
RAW-UKR Ukrainian Open Championships Kharkov 2014 6 - 7 dec 143 2 / 0 PeteKravtsov
17 dec 2014
GPC-RUS The Open Championship of Russia GPC on Powerlifting, Benchрress & Deadlift 2014 Khabarovsk 2014 12 - 14 dec 183 30 / 2 Sergey DRUZHKOV
16 dec 2014
WPAPOL Open WPA Poland Bench Press Cup Lodz 2014 13 dec 63 0 / 3 L1fter1977
15 dec 2014
UPC Kiev Open Championships Kyiv 2014 6 dec 91 8 / 2 PeteKravtsov
9 dec 2014
FPMO-WPC BP Dmitrov Cup Dmitrov 2012 17 aug 86 0 / 0 PeteKravtsov
8 dec 2014
WPC-RUS Europian Cup Kursk 2014 4 - 7 dec 290 2 / 7 PeteKravtsov
8 dec 2014
GPC-ISR Israel Open Cup Bat Yam 2014 5 - 6 dec 69 20 / 2 PeteKravtsov
8 dec 2014
RPF Moscow and Central Federal District Powerlifting Championship Moscow 2014 4 - 7 dec 216 2 / 10 PeteKravtsov
8 dec 2014
BelPF Belarus ИЗ Championship Lida 2013 14 - 17 nov 99 0 / 0 PeteKravtsov
7 dec 2014
BelPF Belarus Powerlifting Championship Lida 2013 14 - 17 nov 65 0 / 0 PeteKravtsov
7 dec 2014
WPC AWPC-WPC World Cup Idaho Falls 2014 28 - 31 aug 46 0 / 0 PeteKravtsov
7 dec 2014
WPC-RUS Serpukhov Open BP Championship Serpukhov 2012 24 nov 73 0 / 1 PeteKravtsov
6 dec 2014
WPC-RUS Podolsk Open Championship Podolsk 2014 9 may 61 3 / 1 PeteKravtsov
6 dec 2014
WPC-RUS Central Federal District Championship Kursk 2013 5 may 84 1 / 1 PeteKravtsov
6 dec 2014
WPF World Championship Voiron 2014 7 - 9 nov 70 0 / 0 PeteKravtsov
5 dec 2014
NPA Open BP European Cup Perm 2014 29 - 30 nov 202 2 / 2 PeteKravtsov
4 dec 2014